eCardioVascular Beat

Clinical Trials  + EXPAND ALL

Providence Heart and Vascular Institute Clinical Research Department conducts clinical trials involving investigational drugs and devices in interventional cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery, heart failure, rhythm management and vascular surgery/intervention at Providence St. Vincent and Providence Portland medical centers.

Our research program consists of a combination of industry-sponsored trials, government-sponsored trials and investigator-initiated trials. Our clinical research coordinators are certified through the Association of Clinical Research Professionals or the Society of Clinical Research Associates.

Interventional cardiology  + MORE


Randomized Evaluation of Recurrent Stroke Comparing PFO Closure to Established Current Standard of Care Treatment

Enrollment criteria

Subjects with PFO who have had a "cryptogenic stroke" within the last 270 days. Call for more specific inclusion/exclusion criteria.

Principal investigator

Todd Caulfield, M.D.


AGA Medical Corp.


Eric Johnson C.C.R.C., clinical research supervisor, at
or 503-216-2075.

PFO Access Registry

Closure Of Patent Foramen Ovale With The Amplatzer® PFO. This Registry allows for PFO closure using the Amplatzer® PFO Occluder device in patients who have had more than one stroke

Principal investigator

Todd Caulfield, M.D.

Occluder sponsor

AGA Medical Corp.


Eric Johnson C.C.R.C., clinical research supervisor, at
or 503-216-2075.

The DAPT Study

A prospective, multi-center, randomized, double-blind trial to assess the effectiveness and safety of 12 versus 30 months of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) in subjects undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with either drug-eluting stent (DES) or bare metal stent (BMS) placement for the treatment of coronary artery lesions

Enrollment criteria

Patients undergoing PCI with either DES or BMS without known contraindication to dual antiplatelet therapy for at least 30 months after enrollment and stent implantation

Principal investigator

Todd Caulfield, M.D.


Harvard Clinical Research Institute (HCRI)


Heather Aiona, clinical research coordinator, at
or 503-216-2099.

Cardiothoracic surgery  + MORE

BIOCOR Registry

Post-Approval Study Protocol of the St. Jude Medical Biocor™ and Biocor™ Supra Valve. The purpose of this study is to gather additional information about the performance of the Biocor and Biocor Supra Valve.

About 360 people will take part in this study at up to 25 sites in the United States.

Principal investigator

Jeffrey Swanson, M.D.


St. Jude Medical Cardiovascular Division


Heather Aiona, clinical research coordinator, at
or 503-216-2099.

United States CABG Diabetes Project (USCDP) Feasibility Study

Enrollment criteria

Patients with diabetes undergoing CABG surgery randomized to either tight glycemic control for 1 year post-op, or return to their standard glucose management on third post-operative day

Principal investigator

Anthony Furnary, M.D.


Providence Heart and Vascular Institute with funding from Sanofi-Aventis and LifeScan Inc.


Eric Johnson C.C.R.C., clinical research supervisor, at
or 503-216-2075.

Numeris™ - AF Tethered Coagulation System with VisiTrax®

Indicated for the Treatment of Longstanding Persistent Atrial Fibrillation

Inclusion criteria
  • Patient is between ages of 18 to 80 years old
  • Documented longstanding persistent Afib OR non self-terminating Afib
  • Patient scheduled for concomitant cardiac procedure
Exclusion criteria
  • EF <30%
  • History of Afib >10 years
  • Left atrial size >6.0
Principal investigator

E. Charles Douville, M.D.


nContact Surgical Inc.


Michelle Dixon, C.C.R.C., clinical research coordinator, at
or 503-215-6746.


Clinical Trial of the On-X Valve Using Low Dose Anticoagulation

Inclusion criteria
  • Patient is scheduled to receive ON-X mechanical valve (aortic or mitral)
  • Concomitant cardiac surgery IS allowed
Exclusion criteria
  • Double (aortic and mitral) valve REPLACEMENT
  • Patients with ACTIVE endocarditis
  • Previous thromboembolic event within last year
Principal investigator

E. Charles Douville, M.D.




Michelle Dixon, C.C.R.C., clinical research coordinator, at
or 503-215-6746.

Heart rhythm  + MORE


Catheter Ablation Versus Anti-arrhythmic Drug Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation

Inclusion criteria
  • Have documented AF episodes >2 episodes over 4 months with electrocardiographic documentation of 1 episode or at least 1 episode of AF lasting more than 1 week
  • Warrant active therapy beyond simple ongoing observation
  • Be eligible for catheter ablation and >2 sequential rhythm control and/or >3 rate control drugs
  • Be >65 years of age, or <65 years with one or more of the following risk factors for stroke: hypertension, diabetes, congestive heart failure (including systolic or diastolic heart failure), prior stroke or TIA, LA size >5.0cm (or volume index >44cc/m2) or EF<35. Subjects <65 years of age whose only risk factor is hypertension must have a second risk factor or LV hypertrophy to qualify
Exclusion criteria
  • Lone AF in absence of risk factors for stroke in patients <65 years of age
  • Patients who in the opinion of managing clinician should not yet receive any therapy for AF
  • Patients who have failed >2 membrane active anti-arrhythmic drugs at a therapeutic dose due to inefficacy or side effects
  • More than 1 week of amiodarone treatment in the past 3 months
  • An efficacy failure of full-dose amiodarone treatment >12 weeks duration at any time
Principal investigator

Blair Halperin, M.D.


National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)


Heather Aiona, clinical research coordinator, at
or 503-216-2099.


Clinical Evaluation of Therapy™ Cool Path™ Duo Ablation Catheter System for the Treatment of Typical Atrial Flutter

Inclusion criteria
  • Presence of typical atrial flutter (cavotricuspid isthmus dependent)
  • If subjects receiving antiarrhythmic drug therapy (Class I or Class III AAD) for arrhythmia other than typical atrial flutter, then the subject needs to be controlled on their medication for at least 3 months. If the subject had typical atrial flutter before starting the AAD(s) (Class I or Class III) and subsequently had another arrhythmia (i.e. Atrial Fibrillation), then the 3-month AAD criteria will not apply.
  • One documented occurrence of the study arrhythmia documented by ECG, Holter, telemetry strip, or transtelephonic monitor within the past 6 months.
Exclusion criteria
  • Prior typical atrial flutter ablation treatment
  • Atypical flutter or scar flutter (non-isthmus dependent)
  • Significant coronary heart disease or heart failure; that is unstable angina pectoris and/or uncontrolled congestive heart failure (NHYA Class III or IV) at the time of enrollment
  • A recent MI within 3 months of the intended procedure date
  • Permanent coronary sinus pacing lead
Principal investigator

D. Randolph Jones, M.D.


St. Jude Medical Inc.


Heather Aiona, clinical research coordinator, at
or 503-216-2099.

Heart failure  + MORE


A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Multicenter Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Darbepoetin alfa Treatment on Mortality and Morbidity in Heart Failure (HF) Subjects with Symptomatic Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction and Anemia

Inclusion criteria
  • Patients with CHF for >3 months, and NYHA class II, III, or IV
  • EF <40%
  • Hemoglobin must be between: 9.0 g/dL-12.0 g/dL
Exclusion criteria
  • B12 or Folate below lower limit of normal
  • Tsat is <15%
  • CHF is primarily due to valvular disease
Principal investigator

Ranae Ratkovec, M.D.


Amgen Pharmaceuticals


Michelle Dixon, C.C.R.C., clinical research coordinator, at
or 503-215-6746.


Treatment Of Preserved Cardiac Function Heart Failure with an Aldosterone Antagonist

Inclusion criteria
  • Patients with CHF (new or previous)
  • EF >45%
  • BNP >100 pg/ml OR hospitalized in last 12 months with CHF
Exclusion criteria
  • Serum Potassium >5.0 mmol/L
  • MI in past 90 days
  • Significant chronic pulmonary disease
Principal investigator

Ranae Ratkovec, M.D.


National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, which is part of the NIH


Michelle Dixon, C.C.R.C., clinical research coordinator, at
or 503-215-6746.

Vascular intervention  + MORE


A data collection study using CODMAN PRECISE® Nitinol Stent Systems and ANGIOGUARD™ XP/RX Emboli Capture Guidewire for high surgical-risk patients with atherosclerotic disease of the carotid artery(ies)

Enrollment criteria
  • Symptomatic patients with >50% carotid artery stenosis OR
  • Asymptomatic patients with >80% carotid artery stenosis AND
  • One or more of the following risk factors:
    • Congestive heart failure and/or known severe left ventricular dysfunction LVEF <35%
    • Open-heart surgery within six weeks
    • Recent MI (>24 hours and <6 weeks)
    • Unstable angina
    • Synchronous severe cardiac and carotid disease requiring open heart surgery and carotid revascularization
    • Requirement for simultaneous or staged cardiac valve surgery, peripheral vascular surgery, or AAA repair within 60 days
    • Severe pulmonary disease
    • Contralateral carotid occlusion
    • Contralateral laryngeal palsy
    • Post-radiation treatment to the neck
    • Previous CEA recurrent stenosis
    • High cervical ICA lesions or CCA lesions below the clavicle
    • Severe tandem lesions
    • Abnormal stress test
Principal investigator

Brad Evans, M.D.


Cindy Payne L.P.N., cardiovascular research coordinator,
The Oregon Clinic; at or 503-963-2946.


A data collection study of the FDA approved RX ACCULINK™ Carotid Stent System and RX ACCUNET™ Embolic Protection System, in treating narrowed carotid arteries.

The CAPTURE-2 Post Market Study is an observational study to collect safety data on patients receiving carotid stents. Patients will be administered a brief neurologic exam (NIH Stroke Scale) before their carotid procedure, 24-hour post-procedure, and at a 30-day office visit.

Enrollment criteria
  • Symptomatic patients with >50% carotid artery stenosis OR
  • Asymptomatic patients with >80% carotid artery stenosis
Principal investigator

Brad Evans, M.D.


Cindy Payne L.P.N., cardiovascular research coordinator,
The Oregon Clinic; at or 503-963-2946.

Peripheral vascular  + MORE


To determine the safety and efficacy of the Absolute Pro™ Peripheral Self-Expanding Stent System (Absolute Pro stent) and the Omnilink Elite™ Peripheral Balloon-Expandable Stent System (Omnilink Elite stent) in subjects with atherosclerotic de novo or restenotic lesions in the native common iliac artery and/or native external iliac artery.

Principal investigator

Ethan Korngold, M.D.


Abbott Vascular

Inclusion criteria
  1. Subjects for treatment must have patent superficial femoral and popliteal arteries on the treatment side(s) with at least one patent distal outflow artery (anterior tibial, posterior tibial, or peroneal) that provides in-line circulation to the lower leg and foot as confirmed by arteriography. Patent is defined as <50% stenosis.
  2. This trial allows the treatment of a maximum of two bilateral de novo or restenotic (prior PTA) atherosclerotic lesions in the native common iliac artery and/or native external iliac artery (one lesion per side). If a target lesion is within an iliac artery that has been previously stented, that subject may not be enrolled in the clinical trial.
  3. History of symptomatic claudication (Rutherford Becker Clinical Category 2-3) or ischemic rest pain (Rutherford Becker Clinical Category 4).
Exclusion criteria
  1. Subject is unable to walk.
  2. Subject is diagnosed as Rutherford Becker Clinical Category 0, 1, 5 or 6.
  3. Subject has ulcers or lesions on the lower extremity(ies) of the target lesion side(s).
  4. Subject has uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (DM) (serum glucose >400 mg/dl).

Ellen Muir, clinical research coordinator, at
or 503-216-2110.

Neurovascular intervention  + MORE


Use of the Vascular Reconstruction Device and Delivery System


John Roll, M.D., Todd Kuether, M.D.

Device sponsor/manufacturer

CODMAN Neurovascular Inc.


Eric Johnson C.C.R.C., clinical research supervisor, at
or 503-216-2075.

Stem Cell/OMLC  + MORE

Research Study on Cardiac Stem Cells for Myocardial Repair


Principal investigator

Kenton Gregory, M.D.


Oregon Medical Laser Center


Eric Johnson C.C.R.C., clinical research supervisor, at
or 503-216-2075.

In follow-up

Interventional cardiology  + MORE

Harmonizing Outcomes with RevascularIZatiON and Stents "HORIZONS" Acute MI Study

Principal investigator

Brad Evans, M.D.


Cardiovascular Research Foundation


A Clinical Evaluation of the XIENCE PRIME™ and XIENCE PRIME™ LL Everolimus Eluting Coronary Stent System

Inclusion criteria
  • Patients with one or two de novo lesions each in a different epicardial vessel
  • Must have TIMI flow of 1 and diameter stenosis =50% and <100%
Exclusion criteria
  • MI with enzymes still elevated
  • LVEF <30%
  • TIA/CVA in past 6 months
  • On chronic anticoagulation therapy (Coumadin or heparin)
Principal investigator

Todd Caulfield, M.D.


Abbott Vascular


Ellen Muir, clinical research coordinator, at
or 503-216-2110.


A Prospective Evaluation in a Randomized Trial of the Safety and Efficacy of the Use of the TAXUS® Element™ Paclitaxel-Eluting Coronary Stent System for the Treatment of De Novo Coronary Artery Lesions

Principal investigator

Todd Caulfield, M.D.


Boston Scientific Corp.


A Prospective, Randomized, Multi-Center Trial to Assess an Everolimus-Eluting Coronary Stent System (PROMUS™ Element™) for the Treatment of Up to Two de novo Coronary Artery Lesions

Principal investigator

Todd Caulfield, M.D.


Boston Scientific Corp.


A Clinical Evaluation of the XIENCE™ V Everolimus Eluting Coronary Stent (EECS) System in the Treatment of Subjects with de novo Native Coronary Artery Lesions

Principal investigator

Todd Caulfield, M.D.


Guidant Corp./Abbott Vascular Inc.


A Clinical Evaluation of the XIENCE™ V Everolimus Eluting Coronary Stent System (EECSS) in the Treatment of Subjects with de novo Native Coronary Artery Lesions

Principal investigator

Todd Caulfield, M.D.


Abbott Vascular Inc.

Cardiothoracic surgery  + MORE

Artificial Valve Endocarditis Reduction Trial (AVERT)

A Prospective Randomized Trial to Determine the Effects of Silzone Coating on the Incidence of Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis (also conducted at PPMC)

Principal investigators

Jeffrey Swanson, M.D., E. Charles Douville, M.D.


St. Jude Medical S.C., Inc.

Mitroflow Synergy PC Valve Study

G020247/S001 CarboMedics/Sorin

Principal investigator

Jeffrey Swanson, M.D.

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